
Welcome to my homepage!

I am a second year MS student at Georgia Tech’s Computer Science and Engineering program @ College of Computing. I am a smart and passionate developer who likes to develop on the machine learning side of things. I have received over 2000 stars on my GitHub, mainly about a project that automatically eliminates out-of-memory-error in pytorch. I also won last year’s HackGT, the largest year-round hackathon at georgia tech (with 1500 participants) with a well-thoughtout personalized portfolio tracker.

2 years ago, I obtained my B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University. During my undergraduate years, I mainly worked with Prof. Hung-Yi Lee on machine learning in natural language processing, and Prof. Yao-Wen Chang on Electronic Design Automation in placement. I also worked as a research scientist at MediaTek Research working on Deep Learning’s practical use, the research institute for the largest chip designer globally by market share.

A passionate programmer by heart, I’m a curious, quick learner willing to take up the challenge. Actively looking for new opportunities, I love designing and creating things!