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The goal here is to make contributing to bocoel as painless as possible.

Feel free to reach out and I'll try to respond as soon as possible!

Development installation

First, clone and navigate into the project:

git clone
cd bocoel/

Alternatively, use ssh:

git clone
cd bocoel/

I'm using PDM in this project for dependency management. To install all dependencies (including development dependencies) with pdm, run

pdm install -G:all

Alternatively, use of pip is also allowed (although might be less robust due to lack of version solving)

pip install -e .

Both commands perform an editable installation.

Python code style

The code style in the project closely follows the recommended standard of python:

  1. PEP8
  2. Class imports are non-qualified (from module.path import ClassName), and do not use unqualified function names (however, upper case functions acting as classes are treated as classes, lower case classes are treated as functions).
  3. All other imports are qualified.
  4. TODO:


Use autoflake, isort, black for consistent formatting.

Prior to commiting, please run the following commands:

autoflake -i $(find -iname "*.py" ! -path '*/.venv/*' ! -name --remove-all-unused-imports
isort . --profile black
black .


Be sure to run mypy prior to submitting! There can be issue with mypy not finding libraries. The command I use for checking is

mypy . --disable-error-code=import-untyped --disable-error-code=import-not-found

Commit message

Add an emoji that best describes this commit a the start of the commit message. This helps makes the project look good on GitHub.